Everything / Wonderful Wonderful / Brown Dog / Aaron’s Space @ Ivy Room - 01.07.23

A special shoutout to Eli from Aaron’s Space for both inviting us to shoot and organizing the event! Getting there at load-in was a perfect decision - we got to meet all the bands and connect with everyone involved in running the show! Everyone we met was incredibly inviting and super excited to have us! Everything went first, blessing the crowd with indie chords and bluesy vibes - leaving room for really well-composed solo sections where the guitars could really shine! Up next was Wonderful Wonderful with a really cool electronic feel! Their drum machine kept the dance tempo moving with the guitars creating a really cool melodic atmosphere. Brown Dog, up next, came through with the blues rock that took us back a few decades - our favorite part was the boy Stewie pulling out the shades and harmonica combo that was sick! And finally, Aaron’s Space threw the best finale to a show we’ve seen yet! The five-piece band had by far the most dynamic set with incredible songwriting! We’re really excited to see where these bands go and want to thank Ivy Room for hosting the concert!


Pregnant / Gumby’s Junk / Mediocre Cafe @ Sacramento - 01.14.23


Juniper / Losing Streak / Saffron and Poetry @ Tracy -12.31.22