Gumby’s Junk / Aaron’s Space / Ha Vay / Pure Hex @ The Elbo Room - 12.23.22

Got caught in a storm on the way down to Oakland for this one! Luckily we got to the venue just in time for load-in and got to meet all the performers. Everyone we met was super chill, we made so many fruitful connections and shared some interesting stories and ideas. Gumby’s Junk went first, and hands down had some of the most intricate rhythmic in a band we’d ever seen, Aaron’s Space’s songwriting was beautiful with amazing vocals, Ha Vay’s set had really great choreography and was super tight, and Pure Hex had the mosh going wild! - don’t forget the earplugs to their show though they hit it hard! 😂


Juniper / Losing Streak / Saffron and Poetry @ Tracy -12.31.22


Loserlees / Stanton / Moonwave - 12.03.22